Friday, September 16, 2011

bagel burger

   Yesterday for my noonday meal I had a most delicious and unique item. Its name is the same thing as the title of this post-- Directions: grill a burger. Top it with your favorite barbeque sauce while grilling and add a bit of honey on top. When the burger is cooked through; add two slices of Havarti cheese (which is my fave cheese of the season) toast your favorite bagel (I chose a nine grain organic one 'cuz that's what we had on hand) then spread a small amount of mayo on the bread. Be careful not let it drip through the hole in the middle! Place the beef etc. on the bagel and top it off with a squirt of ketchup, some freshly ground pepper and a sprig of parsley. If you love relish; add some! Thank God for the food and then begin to eat. I found that it tasted alot healthier than your average burger plus there was a good crunch to it. (thanks, bagel)~ tell me what you think of it with a comment below if you plan to try it out.. 


  1. Mmm...that sounds SO good! Gonna have to try it :)

  2. I have tasted not bagel BURGERS but bagel sandwiches from Timmies. I hate it when it is all clogged up in the middle and is incessantly dripping on me. cos thats just kinda yuck.

  3. i think that sounds delish!!! my tummy growls hungrily at the thought:)

  4. iHope you all like'em! and ...kate... I told you not to let it drip the hole in the middle! I found that when I ate my bagel burger there was not a drip of ANYTHING on my plate and that is unusual for me.. I always add too much sauce to burgers it seems--
