Wednesday, February 2, 2011

give a friendly pal a snack

the man was walking down the deserted interstate when
                    he came upon
                                            a ground hog lying in the middle of the road.
"Roadkill..." he thought quietly to himself. "but it scarcely looks as tho' he has been hit because looks like he's in perfect condition! I shall bring him home and have him stuffed."
                        He smiled a the thought of having a stuffed groundhog sitting around the house for all of his to see. It would be a great conversation starter--

              suddenly his thoughts were interrupted by a high, annoyed voice saying- "Helloo-o! Why are you staring at me so long?! Have you never before seen an object like me?"
     While these words were being spoken, the startled man jumped out of his boots and fled the scene,

                 "A talking groundhog!?" he mumbled to himself, "What next?"

 The groundhog was delighted to have the pair of leather boots that the man had left behind! He brought them home to show to his wife and 17 groundhoglets. His family was famished and the boots were devoured off his feet within seconds..

                    {HaPpy gRouNdHOg DaY}

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe this...Uncle has a pair of boots missing....he musta left them on the front porch overnight
