Monday, July 11, 2011

curious about Quee

    I have a brother named Levi Jerome. He is ten years of age but when the story starts out he was a red-haired 8-year-old. He is the second  youngest in a family of one girl and four boys. This short story is about him.
    Nicknames have always been a part of our family. And it just so happened that Levi got dubbed with the nick name "Quee" (kwee) And this nickname is what started "the Bee game." It is a very strange game that doesn' make sense at all so if you fail to catch on; do not be dismayed for you are not alone.
   To play "the Bee game," one of the participants must announce, "We're playing 'the Bee game'!" Then everyone who is playing shouts, "Not it!" The last person to say "not it" is, of course, "the Bee." Unless we happen to be playing the old fashioned way where the first person who says 'not it' is "the Bee"
    We usually wanted Levi to be "the Bee" because then we could shout with joy, "Quee's the Bee!!" Levi, on the other hand, did NOT enjoy being called "the Bee." He also hated the nickname Quee.
    Then one day, a mother cat had kittens on our farm. Levi picked out a small, fluffy & white kitten to be his own. He named it Quee! His explanation: "I named her Quee so that you all wouldn't call me Quee anymore." And it worked.. Every time some one referred to him as Quee, he said, "--that's not me. That's my cat."
    As days and months went by, Quee grew to be a beautiful cat. Soon she had three tiny kittens which all had the same coloring and texture as their dear mother. Soon everyone was saying, "Quee had babies!" The wee kittens only lived a few short hours before perishing for some reason.. The slogan "Quee had babies!" was still stuck in our heads because it is such a fun thing to say. Now whenever one of us lack words to say we just emit the words, "Quee had babies." and there are smiles all around.
    Just recently, Quee had another batch of babies. And as you can imagine, people used the famous words once again! So if ever you are struggling and wondering what to say next, remember this story and say with a smile, "Quee had babies."



  1. iLooove it!!!!!!! it makes me feel happy inside..."Quee had babies!" mmmm so fun to say:p

  2. aah i love it!!wenever im out of words i shall remeber this little phrase with joy and happiness:)
